
See...I was gonna do this here buuutt...

I realized that even though my tumblog is open it ain't as many people checking for it and I feel like I still have a modicum of privacy there...
Sometimes and I know folks will judge me for saying this...but sometimes I miss the days of blogging over on myspace...then I'd have an idea of just how many people are actually viewing my words that are written even if I don't know who...here its like let's just through this in the universe & see where the chips fall...

IDK....most days that's cool too...but sometimes...sometimes I kinda wanna feel like I know just who's interested in the random ass idiosyncrasies of my existence...like give me a little bit of something...dah well...its amazing for someone as enigmatic & lackadaisical as I you'd think these things wouldn't matter to me right?!?
But perhaps that need to not care while yet yearning to control is the paradox of who I am today as well as who I have always been...who the hell knows for sure?!?
But I sure as hell sometimes feel like blogging here is like walking the streets in a clingy shirt & no bra....everybody just see me swinging in moving in all different directions & I have no control over it...

Dah well...and the greatest thing about this random rumble?!? I'm not pmsing or overly emotional(well no more than normal for an imbalanced ass libra always hanging in the balances waiting to see what the hell will happen next)...I'm just kinda having an honest tumble into this forum called the universe...

Well if you excuse me...there's some sheets that I'm about to get reeeeaaalll familiar with and a pillow I'm about to give some major head action and some raspberry acai tea that's about to get this mouth work happening....

Until next time....whoever you are out there lurking about reading my words...

Deuces Bitches!!!!

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