
Ohhh damn I ain't know it was THIS long...stretching out I guess...










All those wonderful words...all meaning something everyone is searching for...something everyone wants.

People kill for it

Die for it

Steal for it

Live for it...

Something as abstract as beauty
Concrete as a building

Something everyone yearns for-

Often imitated...many mistake lust for it...confusion infatuation with it.....

As elusive as LoVe is everyone around me seems to have been bitten by the love bug in some way or fashion. I often wonder what makes someone drop the L-bomb...is it good sex? Camaraderie? Someone that makes you feel good?
When is it appropriate to drop the L-bomb?

I tend to wonder because besides one ex that kinda forced me into using the word I've never told a dude that I love them...except my good friends after something real has taken place to make me realize hey I love them cause they're my family...but in a romantic sense? Never. For years I'd moan along w/India Arie about being ready for love and all that jazz...I'd play the game & pretend that I understood the true romantic love that everyone sings & writes & talks about incessantly...but I've come to realize I don't know what it is to honestly LOVE a man in a romantic manner. I've surely been in relationships before, but for whatever reason I've never been in a position to say that I've honestly LOVED the person...hell it takes me MONTHS to even admit that I like dudes...and that usually after we've been dating awhile....

Case in point I had this one dude tell me he loved me...I said thank you. I realized that was prolly an inappropriate response but to say I loved him back would have been a lie...so instead I questioned him...he had some reasoning and trust me it had nothing to do w/getting the drawls cause let's be honest we were far past that point...so I thought over His ideas of love vs what I think love is and decided upon "I like you like you".(Which eventually became LULU- cause what adult goes around openly saying "I like you like you"?!?) Yeah it sounds silly but it was the only way I could express to him that I had feelings for him and albeit they weren't flighty passing feelings...but it definitely wasn't LOVE....eventually that became a topic of discourse during our inevitable parting of ways....what can I say except I never lied to you....love evades me...I don't understand it...

I don't think I've ever responded appropriately to being told I love you...except the one ex from when I was 19 & I thought I was supposed to say I love you back...but that didn't work cause til this day that fool prolly think I loved him...I barely even liked him...but anyway....

That's not to say that I'm not passionate as hell about life...because I am....ask any of my friends...I love fiercely & wholly...but when it comes to romantic associations I tend to step back...

I understand that's just who I am...I am not wired to throw around my love uninhibited. I'm more cautious with mine cause I know if I love you I'll be up at 8 working your event even though I went to sleep at 4....I'll walk 6 blocks in snow from the club cause its your born day & the car got booted....I'll get up travel 2 hours to babysit your seeds so you can go to the dr....I'll entertain people I can't stand cause they're close to you...I'll support you (from the distance YOU imposed) marrying a dude that ain't good enough cause you love him...I'll go to hell & back for the people that I say I love...and I know when I open those floodgates of my love...its going to have to be reciprocated at the same level to the same degree. I don't believe in 50/50 relationships...its all or nothing if it ain't 100% I can't do it....so until that comes to me....
I guess the best I can give is a sweet & tender LULU in your ear....

Its been a blast....I feel a lot coming out my soul so I may blog a little more in the next few.....
minutes...hours...days...weeks...whatever the moon proposes for me I suppose....

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