
Please Google:

Laura Bush African American History Museum.

Then discuss among your peers your thoughts.

See where we went wrong.

Think about how we can get things back on course.

Oh yeah if you live in Chicago and take public transportation and have a complaint, instead of contacting CTA @ 1-888-YourCTA try sending an email to the following people:
CTA Board of Directors:

as well as:
Chief Operating Officer

Stop complaining to one another and start complaining to people that can make a damn difference!


Mid day musings & shit....

Heyyyyyy now!!! Its mid January! We've started and headed full throttle into this here 2010 thang!
Though the first few days were hard with my uncle's sudden passing and then me being sick, its been a pretty good go thus far.
At one point I seriously considered doing the old maiden thing, and saying eff it let's go quickly and speedily
into them Dirty Thirties....but I decided why? Let's make this thang last. These last two years as a sexy twenty something are gonna work for me.
I've enrolled back in school, Yes Lawd! I always feel my best when I'm in school. Prolly has much to do with me being a nerd much of my life. But anyway
I'm taking this school thing in stride, I'm still trying to figure out a way to move east and only pay $80 per credit hour....I'm open to suggestions. Let me know.
Hook ya girl up----put me on GAME!!!
Because of the school I'm attending is super hood, I'd suggest if you don't already you get you a twitter account so I can regale you w/updates of the various rainbow hues
of hair that will surely match equally bright & offending clothing....not to forget the ever so colorful butchering of the language we speak in these parts...you know that bogus ass
Southern Chicago south side dialect. It'll be lots of fun I'm sure!

I've also decided that I'm not going to push folks(MEN-brethren-eye candy) away cause I'm planning to leave Chicago whenever the opportunity is available.
I'm not longer worrying about how long these things are going to last. If
its just a series of great if heavily veiled & sexually undertoned conversations then so be it. I need to work on my flirting anyway. Shoot during my time of sitting on the sidelines
I've dulled my skills, and I used to be an awesome flirt---batting eyelashes, pursing lips, licking lips....all that stuff....so....yeah time to get back in the game.

All in all I'm sure that this will be a pretty awesome year. Making traveling plans. Getting ready to enjoy my return to school....
Continuing this joy of being 28 passing for 23....and all that jazz...
Happy Happy Joy Joy....let's enjoy this thing....


Now that that's done....


I didn't think I was going to make it through that one yall!!!

2009 was a dirty b*tch to the kid!!


I ran her and made it!!!!!

It's amazing when you think about what can break you...and what keeps you going...there were many years before and I said..."ooh that was a tough one...ohhh that was hard..." but then nothing was like this past year...

Never ever ever thought I would have to walk alongside my mama as she fought cancer. That one...I definitely didn't know where to turn during that time..But I learned who supported me, and who was only down on the surface...and no judgments, you just ain't my friend. No need to be mad to be bitter....just am...

That's the next thing. I said good bye to a lot of failed friendships last year. Nothing wrong with outgrowing people...hell we shed and get new skin darn near daily...it's just hard when neither wants to admit that we're no longer bringing out the best in the person...and we no longer like the person that we are seeing...that's when its difficult...but necessary to deuce them and move along...

By that same token though...I have rekindled some AWESOME associations from High school...Whoa!!! Like there are some people that I find it necessary to communicate with on a semi-daily basis...like where have you been for the past 10 years? And how did I miss out on the greatness that is our friendship? I LOVE you man!!!!

I made some hard decisions regarding myself and relationships...I finally stood my ground and didn't allow myself to become an unwilling partner in something that I saw had no future for me...I didn't just go with the flow and then look back three years later like huh?
At the same time I discovered that I am more than willing to be in an open honest relationship...something that meaningful and rewarding...I realized that it is okay for me to be open to the relationship without seeming needy or desperate.
I also learned that in order to get into that relationship I must open myself and align myself with like minded people...growth....

So last year was one that included a lot of growing...I'm not done...
And hopefully next year we'll get to see further progression and growth...and lots of fun while doing it!


If what I eat don't make you shit....why you staying on my plate?

I just don't understand why people stay in other people's lives if they don't like em? I've released folks that don't make me grow...why you keeping them? I mean shit! You don't have to feed them why you keep they names on your lips? I'm saying...this is crazy! You grown...stop acting like you ain't!

Also...if you ain't willing to work and make shit happen...fuck make you think that you deserve reaping off other nigga's sowing? G, when the last time you got out there hit the pavement and made shit happen? And you think that you gone get a piece of my pie? Naw boo! I won't be the one...

This is the new decade...new generation...I didn't come this far to let anyone swing on my back...I had to climb these trees...so take your turn put in your work and then you can climb up alongside me....