
i think i may have an eating disorder...hmmm....

Okay this is a quickie.... As we all know my relationship with food aint the best before I would eat emotionally to satisfy whatever I was feeling at that moment...now I'm having trouble committing to a meal outside of breakfast....which I smash!!!
Last week I could only eat a fourth of my chinese food...I had it for lunch/dinner the next morning for breakfast again for lunch and later on for dinner....it was a friggin lunch combo....

But the problem is at my current gig we don't have time for lunch breaks...my homegirl is a BEAST with them numbers (www.taxesetc.net if you need them taxes prepared!!) But anyway we are often so swamped its hard to take a break...so by the time I get home I am stupid hungry...I'll eat something decide I'm still hungry eat more and end up praying to the porcelain throne...and it happens a few times a week....I'm beginning to wonder if I'm bulemic...I mean the only thing is I don't have to make myself do it...its like my body is rejecting the extras....hmmm this can't be a good thing right?!?

I need feedback cause I don't have insurance so I'll have to go to the board of health for further diagnostics if the jury doesn't help me here...
Dah well sleep is calling and I musnt keep her waiting....

Ciao until later....


  1. there could be a wittle uppity bun in the oven? A stomach virus? I am pushing for the bun---

  2. chile...unfortunately i count yall so close to me and my heart that if i'm doing the nasty with anyone you all will know...and me and the young'un ain't did nothing since october...so if that's the case...this kid is damn near done gestating...or halfway there anyway...but it ain't that...i think that the fat girl inside still thinks that i can overeat...and well the stomach is like no bitch you wanted to lose weight and now we're adjusted!

  3. I almost put you on preggers watch lol

  4. I very rarely vomit, but when I haven't eaten in a long time, and then I eat, I have had occasions were I throw that up, anyway... have you tried to set a meal plan that is something akin to eating 200 calories every 2 or 3 hours. have an apple, then in two hrs have an orange, then toast, then an egg, then 2oz of cheese, then 8oz of 100% juice, etc... if you can do that for a couple days (or just do that period) I bet that will help


talk to me......