
Dry Penis Tales???

So. I live in the 3rd largest city in the United States. It just so happens this is also the murder capital of the United States as well. Because I decided I no longer wanted to live with my family in the far southern part of the city, I moved to one of the university centers and got myself a roommate because its a) cheaper and b) safer. Remember: its the "murder capital" after all.

Its very interesting to me that people often make assumptions regarding my roommate and I when we are out & about around our neighborhood getting things for our home.

It seems that modern America specifically black male America has an issue with two adult women residing in a home together. They seem to take personal concern to our living together. Despite the fact that my roommate and I are just friends who needed a place to live in an expensive city center, we are still often met with disdain and irritation when we are out hanging out or eating.

I find it concerning for multiple reasons. One because we are both heterosexual women constantly met with assumptions and prejudice when we leave our shared living space. Second if we were lovers why do Black men instead of ignoring us if they do not approve of our lifestyle choices? I am alarmed for the lesbian couples that do live in my neighborhood because if my roommate and I are subjected to such scrutiny what happens when they are out in the neighborhood? Are they greeted with sneers and hostility when they leave home? Go to eat? Hell walk down the street?

I don't understand why its a concern to so many and I find it offensive and off putting when I feel like I have to announce my heterosexuality to strangers when I consider myself an ally and friend to so many.... Its like I have to choose a side when I didn't realize there were sides to be chosen.

As much as I want to be in a relationship I look at these angry men and think to myself "Dude instead of trying to get in with two pretty girls, you standing around sulking and assuming.... While your penis is staying dry!"

If you happen to read this on my almost defunct blog please take a moment and check out my microblog:
http://thedrypenistales.tumblr.com its my new avenue of expression. And fun....

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