I truly wish that every time there's a mass shooting in Whitetown USA people would stop aligning those issues with the violence in Chicago.
Movie Theater & Grammar School
Have you ever attended a movie in Chicagoland? Chances are if you have you'd know they are heavily guarded by armed security/police officers.
Have you visited a grammar school in chicago? No? Well let me tell you when I graduated from Burnside Scholastic Academy back in 1995, we had security guards who monitored the building. Back then (during the golden age of drive bys) you couldn't get in & out of my school building w/out proper identification and you were only going through one door cause our alternate entrances had alarms to alert security of intruders.
Now. For the folks who want to align the situation in Connecticut to Chicago for means of expanding gun control....
The boys & men in chicago doing the murders are not effected by gun control.... Wanna know why?!? Cause they're obtaining the guns illegally anyway. I know. I know. Clearly these young men who can't even shoot a gun correctly or at the right person, clearly they're licensed for the guns they're using to kill innocent unarmed people.
The problems in chicago, and I think I am in a position to make this statement having actually lived here, in a neighborhood that waxes & wanes between high & low crime rates for 30 years, has nothing at all to do w/the current gun laws. But more to do w/the illegal funneling of automatic weapons into certain communities.
Not many people will want to admit it, but there was a marked decrease in handgun crimes in Gary, Indiana(you know the former murder capital of the USA) after the steel mills closed in the early 2000's. Now I am not saying the steel mill companies were bringing guns to Gary, but when you're transporting steel to & from the manufacturer & refining companies, guns, which incidentally are metal, may make it through as well.
Instead of focusing on the people who legally obtained guns as a means of protection for themselves & their families lets examine the folks who are getting them illegally.
And. When we explore examine & dissect the pathology of mass murderers who obtained their guns legally let's take a moment to examine honestly how they have nothing to do w/the murders here in chicago, but they are people either because of mental illness, God/entitlement complexes, or abuse have chosen a dysfunctional path to dealing with their lives. Not. Because they are young black men who have been taught that they are violent animals who's lives aren't worth a damn & this is what they're supposed to do, or forced to do because they have little to no choice in life.
People need to stop building bridges in places that have to reasonable explanation to being connected. Mass murder & Chicago gun violence are not the same. Stop trying to make it as such.
Chicago Chick who happened to take many critical thinking classes while residing in the "notorious" Jeffery Manor since 1985.....
From God's Lips To Mine.....
Musings on what friendships are....not....
Her sun sign is Cancer & invariably she's very emotional & takes loyalty very seriously...
And watching her go through these changes & growing pains I have began reflections on what friendship is(not) in my world....
My mother has always told me that I am too hasty to walk away from friendships. My argument to that is always: how many times do you touch a hot stove before you realize it's both hot & an uncomfortable feeling?
Generally you don't stand with your fingers on a hot stove for weeks or months.... Hell even hours to figure out that it doesn't feel good.... Why do we do it in friendships?
Just like in a romantic relationship we're told to look for signs of abuse & misuse and when we see it we need to run like the wind, why don't we apply these same thoughts to friendships?
Just because someone has been around since you were both knee high to a pigeon doesn't mean that they need to be around now that you're adults.
I had a really good friend whom I loved & cherished as a friend, however once she graduated from graduate school our relationship began to visibly fizzle, but honestly we hadn't truly been friends for several years before that. It came as no surprise that when she got married I wasn't counted among the maids, but everyone else around us kept questioning... But you two have been friends for sooo long... And it's like... We've known each other so long, but friends? It's a stretch.
Now she's a married mother & our communication is through birthday & Christmas texts & occasional comments on Facebook. I have no problem with it, but our families still attempt to force the relationship when really there's nothing to force. My mama is always asking if I've called or contacted her, as if I am the only person capable of reaching out.... If this was a romantic interest everyone would say to me: they're just not that into you... You're trying to force a relationship that isn't there.... Etc.... But why can't we make these same acknowledgements in friendships?
I am willing to walk away from anyone that makes me uncomfortable & less than no matter how long the relationship has lasted.
And to that end
I will readily cling & hold on to any friend that I know loves me & wants the best for me no matter if I met them 23 years ago or this past August.
At some point we've got to realize that the reason season lifetime statement isn't a random cliche people write in cards or on cutesy little wall hangings. It's truth. In a sweet little cliched form.
And when you figure out that maybe you were there for a reason in their lives that has nothing to do with you, or the other person's season has ended.... The more you rage against this machine the more you'll hurt yourself.
Yes. Occasionally you'll send them a text to say hi, or a Facebook wall post... That's normal. It's no different than your tongue randomly searching for a tooth that was pulled six years ago... Because both you & your tongue remember when something more was there... But when you try it again you realize like your gums have created a seal over that space so has time sealed that person out of your life... And you'll be back to normal once again.....
From God's Lips To Mine.....
Open Letter To E-Fashion Solutions & Their Rep Dennis
From God's Lips To Mine.....
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eFashion Solutions - 80 Enterprise Avenue South - Secaucus NJ 07094
One of THOSE Days.....*
I'm just like.... Ugh....
I put on no less than six different ensembles this evening and I left my house 45 minutes behind schedule as a result. In my head I knew exactly what I was wearing..... Until out the closet & on my body it came....
Ordinarily I'd berate myself for this, after all I lost 40lbs this year & quite a few inches. There's no reason I should be disliking my body so vehemently at this point. But. I am in total disgust. Today.
I'm owning this disdain & allowing myself to not be happy about the way I look. A vast improvement from days gone by when I would either lie to myself and pretend I feel beautiful everyday of the week or wallow so deep that I could only climb out using heaping spoonfuls of deep chocolate chunk cake.
Today I didn't do that. Today I changed clothes six times. Finally found something that halfway appealed to my fractured self image & left the house, because I have lost 40 lbs. And I can't dismiss the progress of that while focusing on my next 40 by January.
Taking me as I am has been an immense lesson and at the top of my 3rd decade I have to accept embrace & love me fully in order to fully manifest that into the universe in which I live....
*while we all acknowledge this was a young lady's response to an early experience with PMS I'm definitely not cycling in or out right now....
From God'sLips to My Ears....
My Mama Alway Said....
My mama ALWAYS told me that "you can't never let hoes see you slipping"...
Yeah this was before she was the super deaconess so don't be looking at my mama crazy...
But. Anyway. At the tender (or ripe) age of 30 I've finally really come to understand what she means. I have realized what she meant with that little piece of wisdom...
I'm a really beautiful girl... I realize that. I've never underestimated that... I hear about my physical beauty on a semi-regular basis...
And I'm sure because I have a general understanding of the fact I'm not unattractive I don't always feel like I have to put in a lot(or any) effort.
But lately since I've been losing weight I've started taking more notice in my appearance. I've been putting slightly more effort in making myself look presentable. As a result of this bit of effort I've see the way people look at me. People who like or dislike me are looking at me... I've been getting my side eyes & full frontal visual assaults.
And I must say... I am ecstatic that I have finally started paying more attention & giving more of a damn about how I look... The reactions are always such that make me want to pop my collar & pop out my chest.
Especially the looks of utter disappointment when the folks who don't like me... The sheer disappointment that I've finally decided to take more effort & look awesome when before I never would...
Smile bitches...
She's here.... And she ain't going nowhere....
State of Illinois specifically Illinois Consumer Commission: Regulate the rates of natural gas delivery
I just started the petition "State of Illinois specifically Illinois Consumer Commission: Regulate the rates of natural gas delivery " and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.
I started this in response to the ever increasing costs of heating gas in the state of Illinois. Even if you don't live here currently I'm sure you have family & friends who would appreciate regulation among the utility companies. We start with People's Gas & then move on to Nicor and ComEd!
Our goal is to reach 10000 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:
From God's Lips to Mine....