
Madness & Mania is sooooo real

This week I was privy to the madness that will overtake my mind if I'm not careful to stop & rest.
If I don't remain diligent about staying in my lane & remaining on my path I will truly lose my mind. That's not an acceptable option so I'm treading slow staying in my lane & learning now to stop attempting to save those that aren't attempting to save me...those that siphoning from me but not pouring back in to me & my spirit.

I thank the creator immensely for showing me that glimpse of what madness can do if left unattended...


Since my spirit ain't right cause of things I'm experiencing...I know that I'm supposed to remain in silence. I know I am. I know that I could've said these things on facebook or twitter but since my spirit so caught up in these things I know I ain't SUPPOSED to do what I COULD do.....

There are too many of my sisters laying w/men that don't have their best interests at heart.
Some of these men know they're on folly....but some...some have no idea what hell & wrath they are setting forth...
But too many of my sisters are laying with men that are doing nothing but harming them. Hurting them...
And we've got to stop.


Ohhh damn I ain't know it was THIS long...stretching out I guess...










All those wonderful words...all meaning something everyone is searching for...something everyone wants.

People kill for it

Die for it

Steal for it

Live for it...

Something as abstract as beauty
Concrete as a building

Something everyone yearns for-

Often imitated...many mistake lust for it...confusion infatuation with it.....

As elusive as LoVe is everyone around me seems to have been bitten by the love bug in some way or fashion. I often wonder what makes someone drop the L-bomb...is it good sex? Camaraderie? Someone that makes you feel good?
When is it appropriate to drop the L-bomb?

I tend to wonder because besides one ex that kinda forced me into using the word I've never told a dude that I love them...except my good friends after something real has taken place to make me realize hey I love them cause they're my family...but in a romantic sense? Never. For years I'd moan along w/India Arie about being ready for love and all that jazz...I'd play the game & pretend that I understood the true romantic love that everyone sings & writes & talks about incessantly...but I've come to realize I don't know what it is to honestly LOVE a man in a romantic manner. I've surely been in relationships before, but for whatever reason I've never been in a position to say that I've honestly LOVED the person...hell it takes me MONTHS to even admit that I like dudes...and that usually after we've been dating awhile....

Case in point I had this one dude tell me he loved me...I said thank you. I realized that was prolly an inappropriate response but to say I loved him back would have been a lie...so instead I questioned him...he had some reasoning and trust me it had nothing to do w/getting the drawls cause let's be honest we were far past that point...so I thought over His ideas of love vs what I think love is and decided upon "I like you like you".(Which eventually became LULU- cause what adult goes around openly saying "I like you like you"?!?) Yeah it sounds silly but it was the only way I could express to him that I had feelings for him and albeit they weren't flighty passing feelings...but it definitely wasn't LOVE....eventually that became a topic of discourse during our inevitable parting of ways....what can I say except I never lied to you....love evades me...I don't understand it...

I don't think I've ever responded appropriately to being told I love you...except the one ex from when I was 19 & I thought I was supposed to say I love you back...but that didn't work cause til this day that fool prolly think I loved him...I barely even liked him...but anyway....

That's not to say that I'm not passionate as hell about life...because I am....ask any of my friends...I love fiercely & wholly...but when it comes to romantic associations I tend to step back...

I understand that's just who I am...I am not wired to throw around my love uninhibited. I'm more cautious with mine cause I know if I love you I'll be up at 8 working your event even though I went to sleep at 4....I'll walk 6 blocks in snow from the club cause its your born day & the car got booted....I'll get up travel 2 hours to babysit your seeds so you can go to the dr....I'll entertain people I can't stand cause they're close to you...I'll support you (from the distance YOU imposed) marrying a dude that ain't good enough cause you love him...I'll go to hell & back for the people that I say I love...and I know when I open those floodgates of my love...its going to have to be reciprocated at the same level to the same degree. I don't believe in 50/50 relationships...its all or nothing if it ain't 100% I can't do it....so until that comes to me....
I guess the best I can give is a sweet & tender LULU in your ear....

Its been a blast....I feel a lot coming out my soul so I may blog a little more in the next few.....
minutes...hours...days...weeks...whatever the moon proposes for me I suppose....


See...I was gonna do this here buuutt...

I realized that even though my tumblog is open it ain't as many people checking for it and I feel like I still have a modicum of privacy there...
Sometimes and I know folks will judge me for saying this...but sometimes I miss the days of blogging over on myspace...then I'd have an idea of just how many people are actually viewing my words that are written even if I don't know who...here its like let's just through this in the universe & see where the chips fall...

IDK....most days that's cool too...but sometimes...sometimes I kinda wanna feel like I know just who's interested in the random ass idiosyncrasies of my existence...like give me a little bit of something...dah well...its amazing for someone as enigmatic & lackadaisical as I you'd think these things wouldn't matter to me right?!?
But perhaps that need to not care while yet yearning to control is the paradox of who I am today as well as who I have always been...who the hell knows for sure?!?
But I sure as hell sometimes feel like blogging here is like walking the streets in a clingy shirt & no bra....everybody just see me swinging in moving in all different directions & I have no control over it...

Dah well...and the greatest thing about this random rumble?!? I'm not pmsing or overly emotional(well no more than normal for an imbalanced ass libra always hanging in the balances waiting to see what the hell will happen next)...I'm just kinda having an honest tumble into this forum called the universe...

Well if you excuse me...there's some sheets that I'm about to get reeeeaaalll familiar with and a pillow I'm about to give some major head action and some raspberry acai tea that's about to get this mouth work happening....

Until next time....whoever you are out there lurking about reading my words...

Deuces Bitches!!!!


So yeah...this is another by product of getting to 30...

Yep....this is another by product of that super exciting Dirrrty Thirrrty....when you start getting those totally unexpected invitations in the mail...not that you'd been sitting there pining away for him...it's just that you kinda thought one day we'd get back to where we were and make it happen...or at least there'd be that conversation...until you get that text that ______got married the other day...and you think...well...wow....I guess that makes sense...or something like that...

It's funny cause my homegirls were having a session the other day and one revealed that when an ex gets married or has a kid and starts to post the pics on social networks she deletes them...I chuckled to myself and wondered why I go ahead & torture myself looking and lurking until I decide that this isn't fun...instead I would rather just not know...so yeah...sometimes they just don't get added...I prefer to never know what's happening than to think...hmmm wonder why he married her...*

But yeah...got one of those text the other week...so i'm kinda just....marinating...

*please don't confuse "why did he marry her?" with "why didn't he marry me" that's not the sentiment...its literally like "hmmm...that's interesting wonder why he did that...especially in this moment". I realize that I'm not quite ready for marriage even in the least...I'm just getting the hang of possible relationships...


2011....Diirrrty Thirrrrty soon come...

Hey y'all...this is the beginning of my 3rd decade...
that's right...30 years will soon be under my belt...I am 5 years off of middle aged and almost to the point where I should be ready for babies and carriages....
hahahaha as if...
anyone that knows me knows that 30 is the time that I want to really get a grip on this here world that we live in...see what the hype is about in Belize...take some time and roll a spliff in Amsterdam(we all know this is a lie-but it sounds good right?!?!) Maybe hit Hong Kong see what the shopping is really like...take a chance and see what New Delhi is like...check out that extreme hotel that's in the Mediterranean...maybe see the Taj Mahal...definitely need to see what its like to shop at Hermès --see the paintings in the Louvre...finally visit Madrid and get some boots that are custom made for my short flat foot....

In a word this is the decade for me to see the world...kiss the foreign boys...find love...loose it...find it again and just enjoy the life that is before me...

I dreaded turning 26, 27, 28, & 29 because I hadn't accomplished the things that I thought I would have by now...but then I think that I've still done some pretty awesome shit...
  • I was interviewed on CNN for taking on a horrible television show that was going to set our race back a million and one years....
  • I worked tirelessly with classmates to reveal the horrors of Vieques and the oil spills and run offs....
  • I've met some pretty fugging awesome people including Jill Scott, Talib Kweli, Dwele, Eric Roberson, Slum Village, and so many others...
  • I've set at the helm and saw how to put together a million dollar event on a shoe string budget...
  • I've gotten to see my friends get married have babies grow mature
  • I've met my brothers...and found an entirely new family in them
  • I've had the opportunity to watch my sister have each of my babies...and seen them grow and become little people and one even turning into a preteen...
  • I learned to let go let God and just truly be free....
  • I had a kiss in the moonlight that made my leg pop in a 90 degree angle...
  • Walked the lakefront in 20 degree weather because he wanted to talk....
  • And now I'm letting him be the man and taking the role as the women and learning that even if this one ain't forever...for now it will be great....

Yeah...I suppose that it would have been easier if I graduated from VSU or MSU back in 2003...gotten that degree in English or Marketing...but then I would have never been in Chicago in 2003 to meet Mai...or at the open mic that I met Self that led me to meet Spoken then started working with Spoken at the Cypher in Borders then from there walking down the street seeing Self & Spoken in 2007 during the grand opening for Da Book Joint, as I was going to get some honey blonde for my summer hair that led me to working with the Cypher Sessions that eventually became the TakeOver that made me Verl & Toni go over to the Checkerboard trying to promote the TakeOver and then talking to M'reld in the bathroom that eventually led to me working with her that led me to working the door at Gentle Persuasion and over hearing Oj's conversation with Binkey that led me to finding out that Oj was my little brother...that then led him to giving my older brother's information that has led me to an entire other part of my life that I prolly would not have come across if I lived my life on the straight and narrow...you know...like I thought I should have all these years...

Yep...and that was just one of the series of events that have occurred in my life...I know that the domino effect of having altered my life is so far reaching and unbelievable that there are so many moments that I am unwilling to erase for the few moments or possibility of having achieved the so called American dream...instead I like the fact that my life has lead me to meeting my very own Autumn, May, June & July...my own sisters...my version of the Ya-Ya sisterhood if you will...on that straight path I know that I would not have the sisterfriends that have saved me from myself the past 7/8, that have stood beside me and fought for me when I couldn't, that called my mama mama and knew when I couldn't take anymore and offered me there home their futon their keys to sanity I know that they came from me returning to Chicago and searching out my own path...

I look back on the past 26 years-cause those are the ones that I do remember clearly...I know where and when I got off the path of straight and narrow...and while I've spent some time in the forest and darkness searching hurting crying wishing wanting thinking that maybe somehow I could turn back...but I know that I could never be that girl that graduated from MPHS June 1999 prepared to step in the world of corporate organizations...she has been gone from me for several years...and now I know this woman that loves and laughs freely...sits quietly reflecting thinking learning growing loving waiting patiently on the journey...knowing full well that I could never make it on a path that has been drawn out...preferring to take the time and explore the people and world instead....

I cannot wait to see what the next 3 decades will bring...but whatever they are through the tears joys triumphs and pains...I will grow evolve love and be ever so free....