Hey y'all there have been many things happening I see there are new people that read my words--gratitude and all that for those that continue to read support & attempt understanding my thoughts.
Now you all know that fashion is something that I love respect adore thrive in and have a passionate desire to be involved in for my life. I have pondered about why this is my desire in such a strong way and how I could make this happen for me and I have come across a way to make this happen and how I can make it beneficial to my community. I am now in the process of making that happen. With that being the case I am truly truly not going to be around to take care of other people and their problems. I will not have time to sit and lament alongside you about the woes in your journey.
I will however take time to partner and align myself with like-minded people. I will submerge my thoughts and existence in the manifestation of what I need for my life & my dream.
So yeah. Out the game.
So that's that.
Now then can we talk a second about all these folks that have their manifestation of happiness, completion, wholeness...none of which even begin to sorta kind maybe touch yours? Like those people that think two kids a husband a house and a dog is happiness and constantly try to make that yours? And its like, well kids make me itch, dogs give me hives, and don't want to be anywhere permanently except a high rise on lake front...but you still being told you gotta do the kids, husband, dog, & house to be happy!
I'm like wow...I don't understand why you are manifests your dreams over my life? I have my own dreams I have my own plans I have my own thoughts (notice above I only mention the broad dream, but the specifics are more private). I praise God and my open mind that I am not imposing my thoughts and plans over other people, that I am able conceive the fact that people have other dreams, other thoughts, and manifestations of happiness joy peace, and overstanding those that are different from me.
Just be careful that you are not forcing your lifestyle and dreams upon others, including your family, friends, children & folks in your aura...
Peace & Blessings unto you all as you continue your journey towards enlightenment and overstanding.