Hey there good people....i'm trying to really get back in the swing of things...but I've been losing hours of my life on Twitter (follow me @1uppitynegress....I'm just saying....) on Facebook...(LaTrice "Triniti" Janine gotta tell me where you found me if you request me).... therefore it's been rather difficult for me to write an actual blog considering that I am losing my life there....lol
but I have been BUSY! I am getting ready for this event June 7 with one of the companies that I'm going tomodel with...I'll give you all more details when I have them....the one thing that i do know...they want me to model wigs for Especially Yours....but I have a fly sew in that I am NOT compromising....lol!!!
I have also been working my buns of literally to Shaun T's Rocking Body Workout:
that little man works the heezy out your girl! I am telling yall he "Rocks My Body" literally!!!
I am soooooo trying to get my body together for the summer and he has been doing ya girl in....
But I am well aware that it will be worth in the mean time cause ya girl is getting her booty tight and her body right!!!
I am also excited to be wotking with a new event planning entity here in the Chi...matter of fact we are getting ready to do a great fashion event on May 23....@ Stan Mansion.....the location is so dope! like SUPER dope! I am enjoying getting ready for it....
for more info in the mean time hit the website....http://www.lashanellevent.com if you are a designer model dancer or stylist in the city you should hit the site and see if you can get involved....never know the opportunities are here...we just have to make them happen needless to say I am ACTIVELY seeking to make the moves happen with the quickness!!!
Told yall I'm taking the fashion industry by storm or takeover...whatever I gotta do....guerilla motives are awaiting.....lol!!!!!
On that note....if you good folks know of someone that needs image consulting or personal styling send them to ya girl....
Have Style...Will Travel.....(I'm thinking that I may need to add that to my business card....hmmmmm.....)
my email is ALWAY there for ya too....mailto:triniti.productions@gmail.com
Email me...whenever...tell me you found out about me on my blog then i'm even willing to give a discount....just let me know!!!
Anyway....the romantic front is dim these days....I'm not fooling with anyone right now...I am keeping to myself after dealing with Mr. Touchy Feely.....I'm sticking to the exercise tapes and leaving the men alone until I can deal with a man that going to constantly touch me and try to feel me up....maybe I didn't enjoy the groping cause I wasn't really feeling him....or maybe I just thought when I told dude to stop touching me he would get that I wasn't joking....dah well.....
i don't really know.....
anyways i'm gonna get back to work and then leave and go have a great time at the Artist Loft Party Tonight....if you're interested hit up @mreld on twitter(http://twitter.com/mreld) Direct Message her....or holla at Binkey or M'Reld on Facebook.....I'm not at liberty to give the address as the loft is a residence....but hit em up....the vibe is gonna be funky and it's food and drinks all night....till you leave....all for $10.....ain't too many places ya gonna enjoy yaself get a few performances for $10...all night....that's what I'm doing tonight....
oh and i'm gonna enjoy another event next sunday too with the same artists....
hit up http://www.culturalxchange.com to get the goods...the lowdown on it all...
Any questions....let me know....in the meantime....i need to find some food....i'm so doggone hungry....i'm getting my a spinach and mushroom salad....it's gonna be rather good.....i think....
talk to you all soon....
peeking my head in...updates and such.....
hey everyone.....
i have been majorly MIA i know.....
the last time i wrote a blog it was the day of diagnosis.....and it was the diagnosis that no one wanted to hear....
Momma was diagnosed with breast cancer. We have been moving forward with the doctors making sure that we treat the condition aggressively. I have been standing with her throughout this entire ordeal.....treatments...radiation...surgery....sooooo much....i'm growing and learning and hoping that there will be a day when Aetna health providers are taught how to deal with people that have cancer and other serious conditions.....
I know that there are many things that I can say to everyone regarding whats been happening but honestly I don't really want to.....
Thank you to EVERYONE that has sent me a note or tweeted me regarding my ma....I love yall for it.....
from there.....
i have been so doggone busy with working and helping momma and trying to make connections within my industry.
I had my first photo shoot last weekend....
it was an interesting experience watching myself on camera for over an hour.....
actually it was quite gross....i'm not narcissitic enough to enjoy it....besides my plan is to spend time BEHIND the camera.....not in front of it......
I am currently trying to really break into the industry...make sure that I make a place for brown thick girls!
I'm gonna be back on the prowl with my blogs a little more often now....we have made it out of the woods with mama....
and I'm on the move....
in a few days I'll tell y'all the story about me and the pawwy guy that wouldn't stop touching me....and now he won't stop calling.....
I'm thinking of sending him a text like this.....
Dear Paws:
you kept touching me even when I consistently asked you to stop....you took too many liberties with my person and now I would appreciate if you would simply walk towards Lake Michigan, northern end of course jump in and drown....
Without touching and hands off,
hmmm...i'm thinking that's my new text....
maybe i should add that too my voicemail...even though I am already being told that my voicemail is too long...but this should be well worth the trouble
until next time folks....
oh and i'm on twitter in case you didn't come from over there...even though i'm sure that that's why you all are from
smooches toodles
and all that!
i have been majorly MIA i know.....
the last time i wrote a blog it was the day of diagnosis.....and it was the diagnosis that no one wanted to hear....
Momma was diagnosed with breast cancer. We have been moving forward with the doctors making sure that we treat the condition aggressively. I have been standing with her throughout this entire ordeal.....treatments...radiation...surgery....sooooo much....i'm growing and learning and hoping that there will be a day when Aetna health providers are taught how to deal with people that have cancer and other serious conditions.....
I know that there are many things that I can say to everyone regarding whats been happening but honestly I don't really want to.....
Thank you to EVERYONE that has sent me a note or tweeted me regarding my ma....I love yall for it.....
from there.....
i have been so doggone busy with working and helping momma and trying to make connections within my industry.
I had my first photo shoot last weekend....
it was an interesting experience watching myself on camera for over an hour.....
actually it was quite gross....i'm not narcissitic enough to enjoy it....besides my plan is to spend time BEHIND the camera.....not in front of it......
I am currently trying to really break into the industry...make sure that I make a place for brown thick girls!
I'm gonna be back on the prowl with my blogs a little more often now....we have made it out of the woods with mama....
and I'm on the move....
in a few days I'll tell y'all the story about me and the pawwy guy that wouldn't stop touching me....and now he won't stop calling.....
I'm thinking of sending him a text like this.....
Dear Paws:
you kept touching me even when I consistently asked you to stop....you took too many liberties with my person and now I would appreciate if you would simply walk towards Lake Michigan, northern end of course jump in and drown....
Without touching and hands off,
hmmm...i'm thinking that's my new text....
maybe i should add that too my voicemail...even though I am already being told that my voicemail is too long...but this should be well worth the trouble
until next time folks....
oh and i'm on twitter in case you didn't come from over there...even though i'm sure that that's why you all are from
smooches toodles
and all that!
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